Friday, May 9, 2008

Oh fuck it, I'm gonna be Iron Girl...

Of all the superhero movies I've watched, and trust me I've watched a LOT, Iron Man is the BEST! From the plot-line to the soundtrack. Everything was almost perfect.

Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing job as Tony Stark and I think he has a few thousand more fan-girls drooling over him now. That very much includes me. Moreover, Gwyneth Paltrow was excellent!

Bangs of Doom

And here's RDJ's interview with David Letterman.

When I first read on that Iron Man was coming out I was like, "Tch'yeah right, as if its gonna be any good." Yeah well I've learned never to do that again! How I judged it so wrong... anyway! RDJ is incredibly delicious in this 2008 blockbuster. I believe we can all put aside the fact that he's married (goddamnit!) and just imagine him with Pepper (if you've got dignity to say to yourself "I'm way outta his league,"). Oh yes! I totally forgot about Pepper.

Onto Virginia "Pepper" Potts now! The loyal, trustworthy (and apparent love-interest) secretary of Tony Stark. The budding romance just won't start blooming! Jesus fucking Christ!

(just in case you haven't read the comics or watched the movie)

If any of you who has watched the movie expected a final breath-taking, passionate kiss between Tony and Pepper, so did practically everyone. I was bummed out because of that. But the action and greatness of the movie kind of drowned it out.

In the comics, Pepper does not get together with Tony. Instead, she runs off with the fucking chauffeur, Happy Hogan, and fucking adopt some kids on a mountain. I mean, com'on! How lame is that?!

*end spoilers*

John Favreau (the director) says he's going to stay true to the comics. If he does for that part... I'm pretty sure Iron Man 2 not going to be looked forward to. At least I'm not, not that much. RDJ and GP just have a chemistry on screen. I really love the part where he says, "You're the only one I have,". It was really sweet. Especially when Pepper makes a small thing-thing with Tony's previous Arc-Reacter with a special border around it reading "Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart."

All-in-all, Iron Man was awesome. That $108 million was well earned and my paying 450 JMD for a ticket was VERY worth it. I'd watch it again at the cinema if it weren't already out on the internet. John Favreau better shape up the TS/PP parts for the next movie or else I'll borrow Tony's Mark III suit and smash him to pieces.

Here's the best trailer.

tony stark